10 Books Ahlul Bidah Wished That Were Never Written!
[2] Risalah Amal Bil-Hadith
Shaikh Walayat Ali Sadiqpuri (1269H)
Compiled and Translated
Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansari
It is important to note, the individual who was preoccupied in his profession and due to this he was not able to study which led him to think that it is sufficient for him to ask the Muslim scholars. It is appropriate for such an individual to ask the scholars of Hadith and the upright and righteous scholars who are known to fear Allah and are well versed with the Quran and Hadith. They should ask them (ie the scholars) and say what has Allah and his Messenger said about such and such issue or what is the ruling pertaining to a certain issue.
On the contrary, if a student of knowledge who possess the desire and zeal to seek the knowledge of the various islamic sciences, then it is appropriate for him to first and foremost to read the Quran and Hadith, then move onto and consult and study other books so that he becomes somewhat proficient in knowing which scholars statement and position is closer to the truth and hence worthy to be accepted or alternatively if they erred.
There is no taqlid of a mujtahid when an issue is found clearly and manifestly in the Quran and Hadith because there is no basis for ijtihad (or taqlid of this ijtihad) in the presence of clear manifest rulings.
Mu’adh said the Messenger of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam), sent him to Yemen and the Prophet said, “How will you judge?” Mu’adh said, “I will judge according to what is in the Book of Allah.” The Prophet said: “What if it is not in the Book of Allah?” Mu’adh said, “Then with the tradition (sunnah) of the Messenger of Allah.” The Prophet said: “What if it is not in the tradition of the Messenger of Allah?” Mu’adh said, “Then I will strive to form an opinion (ijtihad).” The Prophet said “All praise is due to Allah who has made suitable the messenger of the Messenger of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam).” (Tirmidhi no.1327)
It is thus evident from the aforementioned Hadith, when there is a clear ruling in the Quran and Hadith the need for ijtihad is abandoned by default. If we find statements that contradict and conflict with the books of the mujtahids, then we should clearly abstain from them and fervently adhere to the Quran and Hadith otherwise the mujtahids statement will necessitate abrogation of the Quran and Hadith and Allahs aid and refuge is sought from such a thought.
Risalah Amal Bil-Hadith (pg.16-17)