10 Books Ahlul Bidah Wished That Were Never Written! – [5] Zahra Riyadh al-Abrar Ma Yugna an-Nas An Hamal al-Asfar Ena al-I’tilaf limaja Rawayat Muhaqiqi al-Ahnaf Wa Raf’a al-Ikhtilaf – Shaikh Muhammad Abdul Jalil Samrudi (1393H) – Calling Ahlul Hadith La Madhab, Rejecting The Statements of Scholars that contradict the Quran and Sunnah.

10 Books Ahlul Bidah Wished That Were Never Written!

[5] Zahra Riyadh al-Abrar Ma Yugna an-Nas An Hamal al-Asfar Ena al-I’tilaf limaja Rawayat Muhaqiqi al-Ahnaf Wa Raf’a al-Ikhtilaf


Shaikh Muhammad Abdul Jalil Samrudi (1393H)

Calling Ahlul Hadith La Madhab, Rejecting The Statements of Scholars that contradict the Quran and Sunnah

Compiled and Translated

Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

For a while now the hanafis have been rebuking the Ahlul Hadith merely because they reject people’s statements and the opinion of men, that they give precedence to the authentic reports and narrations from the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) and they obey and follow him In everything.

I swear by him in whose hand my soul is in, they (The Ahlul Hadith) have no fault except that they have rejected the statements of the mujtahids over the texts of the shariah. The muqallidin found this very unfavourable and hence embarked on a relentless campaign of hurling abuse. It is such that they started calling them despicable names such as La-Madhab (those without a madhab), Ghair Muqallid, Wahabi and those who abandon the Imams.

This behaviour and temperament is manifest from them and most of the people know this and have witnessed it from them. Furthermore, they claim that this way (the way of Ahlul Hadith) is a new way and does not conform to the others. Therefore in this regard I authored this treatise and I have only quoted hanafi books in order to silence those who abuse, calls us names and to establish the proofs on them.


For instance Asaam Ibn Yusuf would raise his bands whilst going into ruku and whilst rising from it and likewise and similarly other scholars would do certain actions (not legislated in the Hanafi madhab) but yet they were still considered to be from the Hanafi school of thought and they would not be expelled from it. We find that they were not bigoted or staunch but rather just and fair. However the hanafis of this day and age lack any justice and fairness not like the hanafis of the past. This is the reason why they are very forthcoming with their name calling and the abuse they hurl with their tongues.


And what profound words are of those Shaikh Shah Waliullah Muhadith Dehlawi who said in his Wasayah that all issues of Fiqh should always be relegated to the Quran and Sunnah, “so issues of fiqh should be referred back to the Quran and the Sunnah and only those that conform and concur should be accepted. The Ummah has no choice in this (if their opinions or statements differ with the Quran and Sunnah). Similarly it is impermissible to listen to the Mujtahid who is stringent in the taqlid of his imam, his opinion and position which contradicts the Quran and Sunnah. With the aim of getting closer to Allah, it can only be achieved by staying away from such people.”

Zahra Riyadh al-Abrar Ma Yugna an-Nas An Hamal al-Asfar Ena al-I’tilaf limaja Rawayat Muhaqiqi al-Ahnaf Wa Raf’a al-Ikhtilaf (Pg.25-31) First Edn. 1964ce

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