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The Mawlid Papers Part 15 – Standing in a Gathering in Commemoration and Celebrating The Prophets Birthday – Muhaddith Shams ul-Haqq Azimabadi [1329H]

Compiled, Translated & Annotated
Abu Hibbaan & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

This is a rare first time reproduction of this fatwaa of the Great Scholar Allamah Azimabadi in the English language. His fataawa have never been printed in the Urdu language except at the time they were issued in his various works, journals and letters. Therefore this is special honour for the English readers to read a fatwaa of this great Hadeeth Master that was published over 100 years ago, such a fatwaa that has never been reproduced in the Urdu language except now only in English and a rare presentation by the administrators of this blog.    

Standing in a Gathering in Commemoration and Celebrating The Prophets Birthday.

By the Great Allaamah, Imaam, ash-Shaikh, Muhaddith Shams ul-Haqq Azimabadi al-Hindi (1273/1857ce-1329/1911ce) (author of ‘A’un al-Ma’bood’ and ‘Ghayatul-Maqsood’)

Question 11 

The people stand in gatherings that have been organised in relation to the Prophets Birthday and they stand with the belief that the Soul of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) is present or the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) is omnipresent and therefore he is present in such gatherings (of Mawlid, Milaad) then what is the ruling concerning this in light of the Sharee’ah and what is the ruling concerning those who do not believe in this?


Standing in such gatherings of remembrance that commemorate or celebrate the Prophets Birthday is an innovation and as we have mentioned before the characteristic of being omnipresent is not applicable to anyone except Allaah in terms of his knowledge. One must contemplate that if there 100 gatherings specifically organised for Mawlid, then how is it possible that his souls (ie Muhammads (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) is specifically present in every gathering?

Qadhee Shihaab ud deen Daulatabaadee said in his book, ‘Tuhfatul-Qadhaa,’

“As for what the Juhaal (ignorant ones) do in the beginning of the month of Rabee ul-Awaal every year, then this is something that has no value. These people stand (in veneration) in gatherings celebrating the Mawlid and they believe the soul of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) comes and is present. Then this belief is baatil (false) rather this belief is Shirk (polytheism) and the four Imaams have warned us from such things (ie the soul of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) being (omni)present in such Mawlid gatherings)”  

Qadhee Naseer ud deen said in ‘Tareeqtus-Salaf,’

“Some of the Jaahil (ignorant) Shaikhs have invented many new things which have no basis in the Quraan or the Sunnah, from these affairs is the standing in the celebrations of the Prophets Birthday.”

It is mentioned in Seerah ash-Shaamee,

“It has become a major habit amongst (the false claimants) of lovers of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) that whenever they organise a gathering in his (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) remembrance they stand up whereas this standing is an innovation which has no basis.” (because the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) is not omnipresent.”(Subl al-Hudaa War-Rishaad (1/344) of Muhammad bin Yoosuf ash-Shaamee)

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