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Debunking Yasir Qadhi(ism) Part 4 – Point by Point on his DISPATCH: Yasir Qadhi on Salafis and Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab, Science and Miracles, Yajuj and Majuj

Debunking Yasir Qadhi(ism)
Point by Point on Debunking Yasir Qadhi (ism) In light of his DISPATCH: Yasir Qadhi on Salafis and Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab, Science and Miracles, Yajuj and Majuj.
Part 4
Compiled, Translated and Annotated
Abu Khuzaimah Ansari

Timestamp 1:00

Host Mahin Says: I have heard, there is a guy in our WhatsApp group that calls him Sheikh ul-Islam of America, Ali al-Boriqi.

Host SIM: oh Ali is very learned as well Mashallah that’s a huge compliment.


Allah says in the glorious Qur’an:

[And they should consider that] when those who have been followed disassociate themselves from those who followed [them], and they [all] see the punishment, and cut off from them are the ties [of relationship], Those who followed will say, “If only we had another turn [at worldly life] so we could disassociate ourselves from them as they have disassociated themselves from us.” Thus will Allah show them their deeds as regrets upon them. And they are never to emerge from the Fire. (Surah al-Baqarah:166-167)

This is a prime illustration of how individuals like this Ali al-Boriqi, who are fanatical followers, fall into extremism, the very thing they irresponsibly accuse others of! This level of praise is if at all only for the major scholars of this Ummah. In fact, we don’t even find the students of the major scholars of our times referring to them with such loaded titles of eminence. How is then the case for someone who is only 45 and and has perhaps only studied Islamic sciences for around a decade, with most parts being centered on a corrupt methodological approach anyway.

We then see Yasir Qadhi at this moment of sheer humility letting off a smug smirk lasting for a good few seconds. There is obviously no uproar, nor a dare I say quote unquote remark, actually there isn’t even a weak sigh or gasp of dismay at the utterance of such a chilling testimony. This is Yasir Qadhi.

Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan

Compare Yasir Qadhi to the humility of Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan. Yasir Qadhi during the course of the podcast stated that he started to deliver sermons when he was 16 and that he has been lecturing preaching and teaching for almost three decades and during this moment of enlightened self-amazement, he says “wow, Subhanallah” (Time stamp 11:15).

Let us now compare him to who the real scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah are, why? Because he has repeatedly asserted that the west should refer to the Scholars of the WEST. Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan was born in 1933 and in 1950 he was appointed as a teacher in a school in Buraydah. Therefore, Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan has been teaching the Islamic sciences, issues legal edicts ranging from creed to governance and so on for the best part of 69 years, yes dear readers 69 years. I am quite certain the intelligent person will see the enormous disparity between precision, depth and accuracy in the knowledge of Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan and the other scholars of our times and between the insignificant role Yasir Qadhi actually has in the West. Moving on, a scholar who has taught Islam, the true “strand” of Ahl al-Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah, Salafism or as Yasir likes to define as the Najdi Da’wah said the following when:

The First Example – Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan

A Questioner praises Shaykh Fawzan for his defence of the Islamic Aqidah and Shari’ah. He says:

“May Allah show goodness to you, this questioner calls Allah to witness, as well as those present here, that he loves you for the sake of Allah, he asks Allah, The Exalted, The Most High that He forgives you, gives you Tawfiq and rewards you on Behalf of Islam and the Muslims, due to what you do in defending the Aqidah and the Shari’ah.”

Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan replies:

“Firstly we ask Allah that He loves you, just as you love us for His sake, as for your statement that I defend Islam, then in reality I am not of this rank. I am less than this, I am deficient and I Seek the forgiveness of Allah, however we hope in Allah, that he gives victory to Islam, a victory from Himself and He forsakes the enemies of Islam by his Honour and His Ability, may He Be Glorified, the Most High.”

(YouTube: The humility and humbleness of Shaykh Saalih al Fawzaan, Translated by Abul Abbaas Naveed Ayaaz. Retrieved from

The Second Example –  Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan

The questioner says:

May Allah grant you good. How does one reach the level of knowledge possessed by Shaykh Ibn Baz and You?

Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan replies:

I don’t have knowledge! As for Shaykh Ibn Baz, yes he had knowledge, may Allah forgive him and have mercy on him. As for us, we are poor (in terms of knowledge) like you. However, it is obligatory upon us to learn.

(YouTube: The Humility of the Noble Scholar – Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, Translated by Abu Abdillah Nasir Hussain. Retrieved from

Allahu Akbar, May Allah have mercy on the noble Scholars Ahl al-Sunnah, just look at their humility and simplicity, a true sign of knowledge which leads to Taqwa.

The Third Example – Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan

A host introduces Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan during a lecture and he continues to praise him for almost one and a half minutes. When Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan finally speaks he says:

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim, Alhamdulillah Wassalatu Wassalam Ala Rasullillah Wa Ala Alihi Wa Sahbi wa Man Wala, to proceed: Indeed, you have EMBARASSED me, where you have lifted me to a place I have not reached, I’m to say the least just a seeker of knowledge just like one of you. Rather, perhaps amongst you there are those who greater and more noble.

(YouTube: The Humility of Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan After one Praised Him. YouTube. Retrieved from

The Fourth Example – Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan

Yasir Qadhi goes onto mention his Islamic achievements that he wrote books and delivered lectures on this i.e in defence and propagation of the Najdi Da’wah, like Kitab al-Tawhid, Kashf al-Shubuhat and Qawa’id al-Arba’a and propagation of the Najdi Da’wah. He goes onto say I quote unquote:

Quote “Dare I say to this day NOTHING (emphasis his) has been written in the English language that is more of an advanced defence of the Najdi da’wah then my critical analysis of shirk which is still available in the English language.” Unquote (Timestamp, 12:50)

Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan was asked:

“Allah has blessed you to author many books; are there any books you deem better?”

Shaykh Fawzan: which books?

Questioner Your Books.

Shaykh Fawzan: (with some concern) You want me to praise my own book? (The Shaykh chuckles)

Shaykh Fawzan: I deem all of my books to be weak.

(YouTube: The humility of Shaykh Salih ibn Fawzan. Retrieved from (Timestamp 0:50)

The Fifth Example –Shaykh Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani

A host introduces Shaykh al-Albani for approximately two and a half minutes. Shaykh al-Albani while following the Sunnah of Allahs’s Messenger Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam begins by reciting the Khutbatul Hajah. He then thanks the host for his words and praise and then says:

“I have no answer to it except to follow the example of the First Khalifah, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq RadhiAllah Anhu, who was the first and true Khalifah of the Messenger of Allah Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam. When he heard someone praising him, and it is my belief that no matter how much the one who is exaggerating in his praise (it was the truth) since he was the Khalifah of Allah’s Messenger Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam yet. (THE SHAYKHS STARTS CRYING from timestamp 4:29 until 5:00 and in between says Allahul Musta’an and then continues) Yet he used to say “Oh Allah don’t hold me responsible for that which say, make me better then that which they think of me and forgive me for that which they don’t know” (The Shaykh is still shaken and upset) This is what the great Siddiq said. What is there for us to say after him? So I say Following his example (while the Shaykh is still upset) Oh Allah don’t hold me responsible for that which say, make me better then that which they think of me and forgive me for that which they don’t know” The truth is and I say the truth, I am not the person that was described by our noble brother but I am merely a student of knowledge, nothing else.

(YouTube: The Humility of Sheikh Al Albani. Retrieved from

The Sixth Example –Shaykh Muhammad b. Saleh al-Uthaymin

Yasir Qadhi proudly claims he was the student of Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymin, is this the case? I will scrutinise this claim later. Let us look at the humility of Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymin. A host asks Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymin if it was permissible for a person to recite a poem, so Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymin grants them permission. He starts reciting:

“My Ummah after this night comes

A Dawn that its light spread across the world

Good is awaited and the opening is soon

And the truth will be victorious despite of the efforts of evil

By a revival that Allah has blessed

That is pure and free of any defects

As long as Ibn Saleh (i.e. Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymin) is amongst us

As long as Ibn Saleh is amongst us

The Shaykh of our revival

With his likes we wish for support and victory

Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymin interjects and says:

“I do not agree with this line, no I do not agree because I don’t want the truth to be attributed to individuals. Everyone makes mistakes and if we attribute the truth to individuals and then that person dies, the people will fall into desperation. If you wish (i.e) change that line to “As long as we have the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Messenger” It would be better.

The reciter then continues his recitation:

As long as we have the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Messenger

Ibn al-Uthaymin…

Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymin then interjects again:

“No Oh Shaykh (like I just told you) Don’t say this, no no, stop, stop.

The reciter continues and it seems like he does not understand what the Shaykh is trying to point out:

A Jurist..

Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymin stops them and they say let us continue by the will of Allah. Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymin says:

“No, by Allah I don’t want, no I am not joking, you only have this? Then ask your question. The poem was absolutely uncalled for. I advise you from now and after, not to tie the truth to men. Firstly, men can deviate even Ibn Mas’ud RadhiAllahu Anhu said: “Whoever is to follow someone then follow those who have passed away because those who are alive are not safe from trials.” If you attribute the truth to men a person could be deceived by himself, we seek refuge of Allah from that and adopt wrong ways. Therefore, I advise you not to attribute the truth to men. Firstly, a man is not safe, I ask Allah to make us firm, a man is not safe from mistakes and trial. Secondly, he will die, no one remains alive, “We granted not to any human being immortality before you then if you die, would they live forever (Surah al-Anbiya, 21:34). Thirdly the sons of Adam, humans may be deceived if he sees people honouring and flocking to him. He might be deceived, he might think he is infallible or claim that he is and believe everything that he does is the truth and that every path he takes is permissible. This could lead him to destruction, a man praised another man a the presence of the Messenger of Allah Salallahu alayhi Wsallam, The Prophet Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam told him: Woe to you, you have cut the neck of your friend (his back). I thank the brother in advance though I have not heard what he says about me to what he expresses of his feelings towards me I ask Allah to make me as he best sees me no more but I don’t like being praised, I will reward you inshallah and so I ask Allah to reward you and to recompense you”

(YouTube: Don’t Tie the Truth to Men – The Humility of Ibn Uthaymin. Retrieved from

After these illustrative examples showing how our scholars displayed humility and how Yasir Qadhi displays the direct opposite. It would be most pertinent to remind the readers secondarily and Yasir himself primarily concerning the issue of Riya- the hidden shirk or polytheism. Yasir Qadhi is usually very quick in listing the names of his books relevant to the Sunni Salafi Aqidah but rarely if at all ever mentions his book on Riya – showing of. On page 43 of the book he mentions how the dangers of riya are the destruction of the Ummah and then on page 45 the love of praise and the most important on page 32, it increases misguidance. It seems likes Yasir Qadhi has not only left Salafism and the Najdi Da’wah but also the basic concepts of self rectification and personal purification of the soul and it is a must that he reads his book.

Lastly in this part I would like to leave the readers with words of Shaykh Abd al-Razzaq al-Badr where in he states and the aim to highlight the idea of being humble

“Mutarif ibn Abdillah ibn ash-Shik-kheer who was a scholar from Tabi’in, he saw a man wearing a cloak and walking or strutting boastfully. So, he said to the man: “Oh slave of Allah, this is the type of boastful walking or strutting of those whom Allah hates.” The man replied, “Don’t you know who I am? This man was wearing this beautiful cloak and his appearance was attractive and he was strutting, and someone has the nerve to speak to him in this manner?! Thus he replied, Don’t you know who I am?! Meaning if you knew who I was you would not speak to me like this. Mutarrif said: “On the contrary, of course I know who you are!

You started as a sprinkled drop of sperm

You will end up as a soiled corpse

And in the meantime you are carrying faeces around (in your intestines)

So I know who you are

So the man went about his way and he no longer strutted and these words of Mutarrif taught this man some manners.

(YouTube: How to humble an arrogant person – By Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Al-Badr. Translated by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee. Retrieved from

The purpose of knowledge is that is saves a person from disobeying Allah and his Messenger. Allah says:

It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error. (Surah al-Ahzab:36)

Hasan al-Basri said:

there are two types of knowledge, one that which is in the heart which is beneficial knowledge. The second type of knowledge is that which is on the tongue which is Allah’s evidence against mankind. (Sunan al-Darimi, 1:350 no.374, Dar al-Tasil)

With this being said, it is first and foremost for us to be humble and know our status in terms of ilm. Secondly for my fellow Muslims, brothers and sisters to to sit back a little and realise that true scholarship, academia and knowledge is with the Rabbani scholars of this Ummah, their virtue and status is well universal and agreed upon. Thirdly, do not be naïve and let people play with your emotions and Islam, for indeed you alone are responsible for your actions when you have to stand before Allah without any leader, scholar or interpreter.

In the subsequent parts I will highlight many inconsistencies, contradictions and the true reality of Yasir Qadhi, InshaAllah.

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