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[Sharh Muwatta Imam Malik – Shaikh Zubair Ali Zai] – Hadith No.96 –:– The Prohibition Of Performing (Voluntary) Salah After Asr (Until Magrib) And (After Fajr) Until The Sunrise

Itihaf ul-Basim Fi Tahqiq Muwatta al-Imam Malik [Talkhis al-Qabisi] Riwayah Abdur Rahman ibn al-Qasim

Tahqiq, Takhrij, Sharh

Muhadith Zubair Ali Zai

Translated Abu Ubaydah
Translated, Checked & Additional Notes
Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

The Prohibition Of Performing (Voluntary) Salah After Asr (Until Magrib) And (After Fajr) Until The Sunrise

Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn Haban: Four Ahadith

[96] From Malik from Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Haban from al A’raj from Abu Huraira (Radi Allahu Anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) forbade (voluntary) prayer after Asr until the sun had set, and (voluntary) prayer after Fajr until the sun had risen.



Al-Muwata (Yahya’s narration 1/221 hadith no.517, book 15, chapter 10, hadith no.48), at-Tamhid (13/30), al-Istidhkar: (no.30)

Transmitted by Muslim (no.825) from the hadith of Malik

1) It is prohibited to read voluntary prayers unrestrictedly (mutlaq) after Fajr and Asr prayers. However it is allowed to read the obligatory prayers which have been missed and prayers that have a reason for e.g. like the funeral prayer etc. Additionally, the 2 rak’a after the Asr prayer are allowed just as it is known from the ahadith and athar however it is better not to pray these 2 rak’a just as it is established from other ahadith and athar. 

2) It is allowed to read the sunnah prayers of Fajr straight away after the Fajr prayer if they were initially missed. Just as it is established from the hadith of Qais Ibn Qahd (Radi Allahu Anhu). Also see Sahih Ibn Khuzaima (2/164, hadith no.1116) Sahih Ibn Hiban (al-Ihsan 4/82, hadith no.2462) and al-Mustadrak (1/274, 275 hadith no.1017, and al-Hakim authenticated it and adh-Dhahabi agreed with him) 

3) From the famous [Sahih] authentic hadith it is known that whoever catches 1 rak’a of the Fajr prayer before the sunrise then he has caught the Fajr prayer and whoever catches 1 rak’a of the Asr prayer before the sunset then he has caught the Asr prayer. See hadith no.169


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