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The Mawlid Papers Part 13 – An Analysis Of The Proofs Of The Proponents of Mawlid un-Nabi. The 8th Proof – the Dream of The Disbeliever Abu Lahab – Shaikh Muhammad Munir Qamar

Compiled, Translated & Annotated
Abu Hibbaan & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

The Eighth Proof

They utilise Imaam Suyootee mentioning a point of history in his al-Haawee Fil Fataawa that,

“In a dream Abu lahab met someone (Abbaas bin Abdul muttalib). Abu lahb said that I am punished every day except for the Monday evening in which my punishment is lessened and I get to drink a few drops of water from between my fingers on that day. This is due to me releasing my slave Thuwaiyabah when she notified me of the birth of Muhammad and she then later also breast feed Muhammad.”


There many reasons why it is incorrect to use this story as an evidence for establishing milaad.

(1) there is a consensus of all scholars that the dream of other than the prophets cannot be utilised as an evidence, for the prophets dreams are by way of revelation.

(2) The one referred to is it the companion Abbaas bin Abdul Muttalib or someone else? Then the one who reports from him does so by mursal form and it is known that the mursal narration cannot be used as part of establishing Aqeedah. (indeed according to the scholars mursal narration cannot be utilised as stand alone evidences in matters other than Aqeedah also such as Ahkaam and rulings).

(3) Even if it was Abbaas then it is highly possible that he saw the dream before he accepted Islaam so can someone’s dream who has not yet accepted Islaam be taken as an evidence in the religion? Bear in mind that even if one is a believer then his dreams are not an evidence in the deen (except prophets) never mind a person who has not yet accepted Islaam!

(4) Most scholars have stated that if a person dies as a non believer then his actions will be of no benefit to him at all.  This is correct.

“And We will regard what they have done of deeds and make them as dust dispersed.” (Soorah al-Furqaan:23)


“Those are the ones who disbelieve in the verses of their Lord and in [their] meeting Him, so their deeds have become worthless; and We will not assign to them on the Day of Resurrection any importance.” (Soorah al-Kahf:105)

So it is clear from the above two verses that the one who dies as a disbeliever then no deed of his shall he be rewarded for or have any benefit of.

Further it is mentioned in a hadeeth that

“Ai’shah (RadhiAllaahu Anha) asked about Abdullah ibn Jadaan (who died as a non believer) who would slaughter 1000 camels in charity every hajj, who would clothe 1000 people every hajj and even allowed the use of his house to the prophet,  Would any of these action be of benefit to him? The prophet replied no for he never once in his life sought the forgiveness of Allaah for his sins (disbelief) on the day of judgement” (al-Insaaf of al-Jazaa’iree (pg.41).

Thus it is clear that the dream concerning Abu lahab or any of his deeds would not benefit him.

(5) The happiness of Abu lahab was a natural happiness (that his brother had a child) rather then happiness for the sake of Allaah as part of worship. So any action that is not for the sake of Allaah as part of worship how can one be rewarded for it? So from this angle one can also see the futility and fallacy of this evidence.

(6) A believer is always happy at the existence of his prophet. So to innovate Milaad once a year to celebrate the prophets birthday in order to venerate his existence is far fetched.

In essence those who play with texts use these evidences which have no bearing on the innovations that they practice.

From his book ‘Celebrating Milaad On the Day Of Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) Died’ (pg.35-38)

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