
Some Important Matters Related to Fasting | – [1] When Fasting Is Obligated – Fazilatush Shaikh Abdullah Nasir Rehmani

Fazilatush Shaikh Abdullah Nasir Rehmani

Amir Jamiyyah Ahlul Hadith Sindh

Translated & Annotated
Abu Khuzaimah Ansari


[1] When Fasting Is Obligated

The obligation of fasting the month of Ramadhan commences when the month begins. The commencing or beginning of the month is determined in three ways,

The First Way

Through observing the moon. Allah says “…So whoever of you sights (the crescent) the month (of Ramadhan) he must observe the fasts…” (Surah al-Baqarah:185)

Allah’s Messenger Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam said, “Fasting by observing (the moon crescent).” (Sahih al-Bukhari (1909), Sahih Muslim (1081/19).

Therefore, fasting becomes obligatory upon the who observes the moon.

The Second Way

An individual does not see the moon himself but reports of observation are conveyed to him. If the one who saw or the one relaying the news is trustworthy, honest and obligated of the commands of Allah, their reports will be accepted. This is supported by the narration of Abdullah bin Amr RadhiAllahu Anhu who said, “Once people were in doubt regarding the observation of the moon and so I informed Allah’s Messenger Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam that I had seen the moon. He Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam then fasted himself and ordered others to also fast.” (Abu Dawud (2342), Ibn Hibban (3447), Hakim (1541), ad-Daraqutni (2127)

The Third Way

By completing 30 days of the month of Sha’ban If on the 29th the moon is not observed. Whether this is due to clouds, poor visibility or other environmental factors. The evidence for this is the statement of Allah’s Messenger Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam, “A month can be 29 days so do not (begin [the month]) fast until you see (the moon) and break the fast (ie end the month) until you see (the moon) and if its overcast then complete the month (ie. 30 days).” (Sahih al-Bukhari (1907), Sahih Muslim (2499) and its Muslims wording)

We have specified the meaning of the words “then complete the month” to mean 30 days by using the hadith of Abu Hurayrah RadhiAllahu Anhu which mentions, “If it is overcast, complete 30 days (of Sha’ban)” (Sahih al-Bukhari (1909), Sahih Muslim (2516) and its Muslims wording).

Remember, it is impermissible to fast on the day one has doubts about it. Ammar bin Yasir RadhiAllahu Anhu said, “Whoever fasted on the day they doubted have disobeyed Abul Qasim Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam.” (Imam al-Bukhari transmitted this in Kitab as-Sawm, Chapter: Fast when you see the crescent, in ta’liq form)

Similarly, fasting a day or two before Ramadhan is also impermissible. Allah’s Messenger Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam said, None of you should fast a day or two before the month of Ramadhan unless he has the habit of fasting (eg Modays or Thursday) then he may fast that day.” (Sahih al-Bukhari (1914), Sahih Muslim (1082), Musnad Ahmad (7722).

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