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The Shī’a Papers – Part 15 Yazīd, Amīr al-Muʿminīn and Rahimahullāh

Compiled, Translated and Annotated
Abū Ḥibbān & Abū Khuzaimah Anṣārī

We have already mentioned the authentic narration of Ibrāhīm bin Maisarah that the narration was regarding Muʿawīyyah.

Ḥafiẓ Ibn Ḥajr al-Asqalānī cites from ʿUmar bin ʿAbdul ʿAzīz that when the name of Yazīd would be mentioned he would seek Allāhs mercy on him ie meaning he would say Rahimahullāh [Lisān al-Mīzān [6/294]

Imām Ibn Taymīyyah has denied the report of 20 lashes which has already been mentioned in the previous paper. [Refer to Sārim al-Maslūl ʿAla Shātim ar-Rasūl [pg.574].

The ignorant people like Aquilani Ahmed and others like him object as to why is Rahimahullāh said after his name and how can he be the Amīr al-Muʿminīn. The answer is quite simple as some Companions were alive at the time as well as senior Tabiʿeen and no doubt they were believers so how does can this title be denied for him.

Furthermore, some of the following illustrious and noble individuals referred to him as Amīr al-Muʿminīn just to name a few

(1) Nuʿmān bin Bashīr RadhiAllahu Anhu [64H]

(2) Alī bin Ḥussain [93-100H]

(3) Imām Laith bin Ṣaʿd [175H]

(4) Imām Ibn Ḥazm [456H]

(5) Qaḍi Abū Bakr bin ʿArabī [543H]

(6) ʿAllāmah Ibn Kathīr [774H]

[Refer to al-Bidāyah Wan-Nihāyah [8/196, 226]

[Ṭabaqāt Ibn Sʿad [5/211]

[al-Imāmah Was-Siyāsah [1/218] Shīʿa]

[al-ʿAwāṣim Min al-Qawāṣim [pg.228]

[Jamrah ul-Nisāb al-ʿArab [1/112]

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