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10 Books Ahlul Bidah Wished That Were Never Written! – [7] Ibra Ahlul Hadith Wal Quran Mima Fi Jame ash-Shawahid Min at-Tuhma Wal Buhtan – Shaikh Abdullah Muhadith Ghazipuri (1337H) – Rebutting the Slanderous Accusation on the Ahlul Hadith; The Prophets made mistakes in the Din

10 Books Ahlul Bidah Wished That Were Never Written!
[7] Ibra Ahlul Hadith Wal Quran Mima Fi Jame ash-Shawahid Min at-Tuhma Wal Buhtan


Shaikh Abdullah Muhadith Ghazipuri (1337H)

Rebutting the Slanderous Accusation on the Ahlul Hadith; The Prophets made mistakes in the Din

Compiled and Translated 
Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

(In reply to the allegation on the Ahlul Hadith that they believe the Prophets made mistakes in matters of the din.)

I have looked at the passage of the aforementioned book and I did not find the said passage, the author has made a slanderous accusation here. The words of the author are that all of the prophets were not free from error (in worldly affairs) and not in the din as the authored slanderously alleged.

Furthermore, the author cited this passage from Mawlana Abu Shakur Silmi’s Kitab at-Tamhid Fil Ilm al-Aqa’id Wat Tawhid. Raising further allegations is also pointless because most of the people of Sunnah hold the same belief.

Imam Abu Hanifah has himself said in his book Fiqh al-Akbar, “without doubt (the prophets) did make mistakes and errors.” (Sharh Fiqh al-Akbar pg.69, Matba’a Hanafi)

Shaikh Abdul Haq Dehlawi Hanafi said, “The prophets would also do ijtihad and they would sometimes make mistakes.” (Sharh Futuh al-Ghayb pg.314)

For further references refer to

– Sharh Fiqh al-Akbar pg’s182-183, Matba’a Hanafi
– Sharh Mussallim at-Thabut pg.349 Naulkishaur print, of Mawlana Abdul A’la Lucknowi
– Husami pg.98 Naulkishaur Print.
– Tawdhih Wat-Talwih pg.317 Naulkishaur print.
– Nur al-Anwar pg’s 182, 183, 212
– Tafsir Kabir 4/569, 570, 652, Istanbul Print.
– Tafsir Baidhawi 1/324, Naulkishaur Print
– Tafsir Ahmadi pg.277

So the belief which the author attempted to level against us is null and we are free from it.

However others from amongst Ahlus Sunnah like Qadhi Abu Bakr Baqilani had this belief, they believe the prophets made mistakes and errors in propagating the din and in the rulings. They have clearly said it is possible the prophets erred and lied in spreading the rulings of the din. (Hashiyyah Abdul Hakim al-Khiyali pg.251, Sharh Musallim at-Thabut pg.388 of Mawlana Bahr al-Ulum, Sharh Mawaqif pg.688, Sharh Fiqh al-Akbar pg.67)

Ibra Ahlul Hadith Wal Quran Mima Fi Jame ash-Shawahid Min at-Tuhma Wal Buhtan pg. (51-53)

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